About Us

JC/LISD Academy is a public middle college program for capable and self-motivated students, located on the campus of LISD TECH Center and Jackson College (JC). JC/LISD Academy exists in partnership with all 11 Lenawee County public school districts and is funded through a percentage of each district's Foundation Allowance. This alleviates cost to students or their families who attend.

The Academy is designed to fully immerse high school aged students in the post-secondary learning environment, while affording them the opportunity to complete a high school diploma and associate degree. This is accomplished in five years through the Michigan Department of Education's Four Plus One Program.

The Program gives students an opportunity to earn college credits while still in high school and offers motivated, academically-focused students a chance to enroll in advanced, college-level coursework. It also provides an alternative for students who are either struggling or do not feel connected to their high school.

A major goal if the JC/LISD Academy is to increase access to postsecondary opportunities, blending high school and college, and recognizing a postsecondary education as crucial for a person's independence. As a result, the utilization of dual enrollment opportunities at Jackson College is an integral part of the program completion. Students have the opportunity, after five years, to graduate with a high school diploma and up to 60 transferable college credits or an associate degree.

With an emphasis on the completion of two years of college, students are afforded the opportunity to experience different and innovative educational and professional experiences. The focus on a two-year associate degree ensures students have the opportunity for a good-paying, stable career upon graduation and/or the preparation necessary to continue their education at a four-year college or university.

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Kim Dusseau

Deanna Case

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JC/LISD Academy Photos

student smiling

Student reading book

group of students chatting

student holding coffee mug

Graduates outside in caps and gowns