Professional Learning

The LISD Professional Learning Center offers a broad range of educational opportunities and services to Lenawee County schools and many community partners.

Online Registration & Workshop Information

The LISD Professional Learning Center online registration website is available 24/7, allowing easy access and convenience to all. Check back often to see the latest in professional development opportunities.

SCECHs and DPPD Hours

Beginning July 1, 2020, DPPD has been converted to SCECH hours.  Each district must designate a SCECH Coordinator to upload DPPD plans into MOECS and upload educator SCECH hours.  If you are unsure who your local district SCECH Coordinator is, please Email Julie Burkeen.

Who We Serve

The LISD Professional Learning Center offers high quality, student-focused and cost-effective professional learning opportunities, at low or no cost to Lenawee County educators.

  • PreK-12 general and special education teachers and school administrators

  • Occupational and physical therapy staff, paraprofessionals, school counselors, school psychologists, school social workers, speech language pathologists, substitute teachers, and teacher consultants

  • Administrative professionals, facilities and maintenance, food service, and transportation staff

  • Lenawee County service agencies

  • Parents, community members, and college students

  • Surrounding county school district staff

Workshop Cancellations

Delays or cancellations will be communicated to registrants of the workshop as soon as the event has been cancelled.  Please monitor the email address you have listed as your address in Wisdomwhere, as that will be the email used for delays and cancellations. 

Michigan Educator Certification/Renewal Information

There were several changes to Michigan Teacher Certification/Renewal requirements effective November 16, 2017. The Michigan Department of Education has created some very useful and easy-to-understand web pages to help negotiate the sometimes confusing processes involved.

From explaining the different educator certificate types and renewal processes to SCECHs (State Continuing Education Credit Hours), DPPD (District Provided PD), and MDE contact names and email addresses, the site has been vastly improved and is easy to navigate.

Begin with MDE’s updated "About Teacher Certification" page and follow the links you’re interested in.

Professional Learning Course Submission

If you are developing a professional learning opportunity and would like the LISD Professional Learning Center to add this course to Wisdomwhere, provide SCECHs, and/or advertise your event for you, please complete this event submission form.

This form will provide us all the information we need to create your event, as well as apply for SCECHs for your course.  If you are planning to offer SCECHs you will need a DETAILED agenda.  This form has a link to an agenda link and the ability to upload the agenda with your application.


Julie Burkeen, Professional Learning Center Coordinator/Manager
517-265-1611 | Email Julie Burkeen

Samantha Berger, Professional Learning Center Secretary/Registrar
517-265-1619 | Email Samantha Berger