Teacher Innovative & Enrichment Grants
The LCEF, in conjunction with County National Bank, Premier Bank, TLC Credit Union, Old National Bank, offers the Teacher Innovative & Enrichment Grant program to provide funds for the academic year to teachers to develop and implement instructional projects that motivate and challenge students to learn. Proposals should be unique classroom projects that enliven and enrich the curriculum.
The maximum funding request is $1,500. Applications are being accepted from August 14 through September 30, 2023.
Application Process
Evaluation Criteria
Teacher grant applications will be assessed on the quality of the project and the quality of the application. Please be sure to thoroughly and concisely address all of the questions on the grant application. The grant is provided to teachers to develop and implement instructional projects that motivate and challenge students to learn. Proposals should be unique classroom projects that enliven and enrich the curriculum that are not normally expected to be funded by the district.
Sponsor a Teacher Innovative & Enrichment Grant
Want more information on how your organization can sponsor one or more classroom learning projects? Please review the "Ways to Help" options available on the LCEF webpage. For additional information, please contact the LCEF office at 517-265-1626.
Ronald Reeves Job Readiness Training Grant
The Lenawee County Education Foundation (LCEF) has made a grant available to Lenawee County residents seeking to obtain training for a job or bettering their current job or obtaining a General Education Degree (GED). The grant, titled the Ronald Reeves Job Readiness Training Grant, will cover up to 90% of the cost of the course work, not to exceed $2,500. Grant applicants must be a high school graduate or completing their GED and must be a resident of Lenawee County.
This grant must be used toward the completion of post-secondary training or a GED. This training must take place at an accredited or certified trades or vocational education program. The grant is an annual reward and may be reapplied for each year.
If awarded a grant, recipients are encouraged to participate in the annual scholarship reception, where all recipients will be publicly recognized. There is no deadline to apply for the Job Readiness Training Grant, and applications are continually reviewed and awarded periodically throughout the year.