Additional Learning Opportunities

Beyond the standard career and technical education (CTE) programs, the LISD TECH Center offers additional learning opportunities for students and adult learners, many of which allow learners to earn college credits, industry-recognized credentials and certifications, and/or scholarships.

Adult Learning - housed at the LISD TECH Center, Adult Learning Services offers courses and programs for adults looking for either personal enrichment and hobby development, or career training and skill development.

JC/LISD Academy - public middle college program designed to fully immerse high school aged students in the post-secondary learning environment and earn college credits while still in high school.

College Now - this program provides increased dual enrollment opportunities at no cost to LISD TECH Center students.

Career Exploration Camps - these camps provide Lenawee County students age 6-17 an opportunity to explore different career pathways through week-long, interactive summer camps.

Work-Based Learning - this program gives LISD TECH Center students the opportunity to learn “on-the-job” through a structured, capstone experience.

Scholarships - the Lenawee County Education Foundation (LCEF) offers scholarship opportunities to local students graduating or currently enrolled in postsecondary education programs.

LenTech - LenTech is a postsecondary program allowing LISD TECH Center students enrolled in Automotive Collision Repair & Refinishing, Machining & CAM, Natural Resources, Residential Construction, and Welding Technology to earn employable certifications at no cost.